We have never been able to get close enough to butterflies to photograph them properly.  Perhaps it is something to do with my looming presence!  But with Cara’s new Sigma 150-600mm telephoto lens I managed to get some passable shots of the “spotty ones[1]” and the “blue ones[1]”.  Macro would be better, but this is a good start.

I am especially please with these, as they are handheld, in quite a breeze, so their perches were waving around all over the place!

The downside is running around with several kilos of lens!

[1]  Could our butterfly spotter friends please supply IDs in the comments!

Nik and Susan reckon this is a Glanville Fritillary - Thanks guys!
The consensus is moving towards Mazarine for this one (Polyommatus sp.) Thanks to Nik and Susan!
Another Fritillary, but the jury is out on which one!
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