Cara is doing a lot of macro photography on the insects and plants in and around the house. We are only using kit lenses with our Canon cameras, but we have enhanced the macro function using extension tubes. The tubes we are using are by Viltrox. They are very affordable and seem to be very […]
The Local Limousin Cows Make Nice Subjec...
We have 20 acres of land surrounding our converted Farmhouse. The 10 acre field by the river is loaned to our neighbour’s for grazing. His Limousin Catlle do look lovely, but they are pretty scary when they start chasing you. Ask Cara! As a consequence, all photos of Limousin cattle are taken from the other […]
Playing with Water Droplets
One of Cara’s favourite subjects is water droplets. She is often out with her camera, just after she has walked the dogs, catching interesting perspectives using the water droplets as lenses. These images were all taken with kit lenses, using Viltrox extension tubes to enhance the macro effect.
Visiting Sparrowhawk
We like to attract birds to the garden with our bird feeding stations. What we hadn’t anticipated was that the bird-feeding station would become a feeding station for the Sparrowhawk! These are few quick shots taken from the bedroom window of the Sparrowhawk eyeing up the sparrows in the bush below the tit box. he […]
Bees and the Insect Hotel
Here are a few photos we took on a sunny day in early March, after weeks of rain. The morning started out frosty but as soon as the sun came out the garden was full of bees busily collecting pollen … in fact, they were so laden with pollen they could hardly fly. As a […]